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Conference International Students in Poland in 2024

In Poland, over 105,000 foreign students are studying − it took several decades for the number of foreigners studying at Polish universities to exceed 100,000. 

Thanks to the Poznan University of Technology and the Educational Foundation "Perspektywy", Poznan became the Polish capital of internationalization for two days!

The seventeenth edition of the nationwide conference organized as part of the "Study in Poland" program exceeded the expectations of the organizers - namely, the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland (KRASP), the Educational Foundation "Perspektywy", and the Poznań University of Technology as the host. It was the largest event in the field of internationalization of higher education and science in our country.

Over 350 participants attended the proceedings in person, and nearly the same number joined online. Among the attendees were heads or deputy heads of institutions and organizations responsible for internationalization. Among the participants were over 50 rectors and directors of international cooperation and promotion departments from over 100 Polish universities.

The significance of the event was elevated by the honorary patronage of the Minister of Science and other partners - the British Council, the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), the National Science Centre (NCN), the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR), the Marshal's Office of the Wielkopolska Region, the City Council of Poznan, and distinguished guests: Prof. Maria Mrówczyńska, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Mariusz Wiśniewski, First Deputy Mayor of the City of Poznan, Rachel Launay, Director of the British Council in Poland, as well as dozens of rectors and vice-rectors from the best Polish universities. 

Representatives from the business and industry sectors also participated in the conference: Santander Bank Polska S.A., Aquanet S.A., Samsung Electronics Poland Manufacturing, GSK, Solaris Bus & Coach S.A., IBM, VW.

Once again, the conference proved to be an excellent platform for exchanging experiences, as well as for summarizing and analyzing ongoing activities. During the plenary sessions, in the form of lectures, workshops, and panel discussions, topics such as:


"Main challenges of internationalization in higher education in Poland 2024-2028"

"Internationalization of science - how to enter European research programs?"

"Academic cooperation between Poland and Great Britain with a special emphasis on transnational education perspectives"

"Issues of internationalization under the scrutiny of Polish researchers"

"Polish universities in European Alliances: Official optimism towards an uncertain future"

"Migratory risks and opportunities for Poland and their impact on internationalization of studies"

"Foreign students in the national internationalization strategy"

"Convince me - why Poland? How to communicate to attract candidates from around the world to the offerings of our country's universities?"

"Incubating Freedom for Ukraine - Adapting Refugees to Digital Economy in Europe"

"Internationalization 2024 'day by day' - issues, reports, communications"

"How to care for the well-being of foreign students?" - Magdalena Zawirska-Wolniewicz, Head of the International Relations Office at Poznan University of Technology, participated in the panel.


The plenary session "Modern Engineering & Technology - a Polish speciality in modern education" focusing on new challenges in higher education considering technological advancements was led by prof. Teofil Jesionowski, the rector of Poznan University of Technology. Representatives from the world of science and industry were present - Dariusz Michalak, PhD the Vice President of the Board of Solaris Bus & Coach S.A., Piotr Beńke, ATL Market Director and Chief Technology Officer at IBM, Paweł Wydrych, Digital & Tech Poland Lead, Director of Business Strategy Transformation at GSK, Prof. Marta Kosior-Kazberuk, Rector of the Bialystok University of Technology, Prof. Danuta Zawadzka, Rector of Koszalin University of Technology. 

During the conference, the Presidium of CRASP held a meeting, and the Committee for International Cooperation of CRASP conducted its deliberations.


The culmination of the first day of conference proceedings was the solemn Gala during which the environmental awards "Stars of Internationalization" were presented, honouring individuals who have outstandingly contributed to the internationalization of Polish universities, and the "Interstudent 2024" competition for the best foreign student in Poland was adjudicated. 

Accompanying the distinguished foreign students were ambassadors and diplomats from their respective countries of origin. The awards ceremony took place in the impressive, nearly zero-energy building of the Faculty of Architecture and the Faculty of Engineering Management of Poznan University of Technology. 

"Ambassadors of Polish Universities A.D. 2024"

In the category of undergraduate studies - Illia Podorov from Ukraine, a student at the University of Economics in Krakow.

In the category of graduate studies - Heybat Naghiyev from Azerbaijan, a student at the University of Warsaw.

In the category of doctoral studies - Waheed Adewale Rasaq from Nigeria, a student at the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław.

Special Award for artistic achievements - Evelina Voloskova from Lithuania, a student at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn.

Special Award for outstanding scientific research - Alireza Tabrizikahou from Iran, a doctoral student at Poznań University of Technology.

Special Award for charitable activities - Esteban Ortiz Escobar from Colombia, a student at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow.

Special Award for pro-ecological team action - Clean Up Odra - a group of students from Medical University in Wrocław, consisting of Helena Gebarska from Australia, Natalia Hiler from the USA, and Chidubem Odera Mba from Nigeria/Italy. 


"Awards for Internationalization Champions 2024"

The award promotes individuals who open Polish higher education institutions to other experiences and cultures. This is an important distinction because the work put into internationalizing universities is often unnoticed, yet it has great value - emphasizes Waldemar Siwiński, founder of the Educational Foundation Perspektywy, initiator of the award.

Distinguished Star - Prof. Andrzej Jajszczyk

Science Diplomacy Star - Prof. Jerzy Duszyński

Public Diplomacy Star - Tomasz Orłowski

Management Star - Prof. Bogusława Drelich-Skulska

Research Star - Dr. Paweł Kaczmarczyk, prof. University of Warsaw

Development Star - Dr. Katarzyna Świerk

Teaching Star - Prof. Krzysztof Walkowiak

Marketing Star - Olga Vakhrina - Poznan University of Technology

Rising Star - Katarzyna Specjalska

*Profiles of the "Stars of Internationalization" award winners, including awards from previous editions, can be found on the WEBSITE.

We only wait for changes for a long time when we do nothing...

Another successful edition of the "International Students in Poland" conference is evidence that more and more is being done in the field of internationalization. 


Source: Press Conference, PERSPEKTYWY website

Thank you to everyone involved in the conference for their time!




Beata Czerkas - Public Relations Office
