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Hobby Fair – our passion is our strength!

Last weekend, November 18-19, we had the pleasure of participating in the Hobby Fair organized by Poznań International Fair. Impressive attendance—14.5 thousand visitors!

No one can talk about their hobby better than a student of the Poznan University of Technology, which is why they - representatives of the Scientific Clubs - filled the space intended for the Poznan University of Technology - the now recognisable "blue carpet".

The Poznan University of Technology was represented by:

Scientific Club of Public Transport Engineers - PUTrain is a project of students belonging to the Scientific Club of Public Transport Engineers. The aim of the project is to design and build a locomotive on a scale of 1:5.5, which will enable students acquiring knowledge and practical skills in the field of construction of rail vehicles. Every year, Railway Challenge competitions are held in England and Germany. The team's success is winning both competitions and earning the title of Grand Champion. This year's project impresses with its design, reliability and the innovation used, i.e. photovoltaic panels on the roof.

The Scientific Circle of Combustion Engines - PUT Renovation - is a project addressed to all fans of classic motoring. Renovation of VW Karmann-Ghia, with plans for further, equally interesting projects. PUT Renovation's motto "From the past, towards new horizons!"

The Inter-faculty Student Scientific Club DECYBEL presented two projects:

  • miniature production line - a 60x60cm mock-up design with a robot arm and peripheral devices, which reflects a real industrial process - quality control. The details placed on the conveyor belt are picked up by the robot, which then observes it from all sides using a vision system and decides on the quality of workmanship, placing it on a pallet with correct products or rejecting it as an incorrect element and
  • onion picking robot. The onion picking robot was created for special competition. International Robot Competition "ROBOmotion" in Rzeszów, "Onion House" - the category involves building a robot that, having scattered onions and other vegetables/fruits in front of it, will collect only the first ones - it must do it fully autonomously.

The Spektrum Science Club also presented two projects:

  • Testing the impact of the electromagnetic field on plant development - TEM line with generator. The subject of the project is two chambers used to measure the impact of the electromagnetic field on plant development. In the center of the chambers, there is a TEM line responsible for generating the electromagnetic field. The chambers are also equipped with tools for monitoring plant growth.
  • I-ASPEES-5G - is a measurement system based on the channel sounding technique, which enables accurate and comprehensive measurements of propagation characteristics. It consists of a moving head collecting measurements from 360 degrees using a horn antenna; the data collected from the system is then processed using a spectrum analyzer.

Inter-faculty Student Scientific Club Polonium with a project - Wilson Chamber. This is a device that allows one to see the trajectory of ionized radiation with the naked eye. The Wilson chamber consists of a glass case, which is cooled at the bottom by dry ice to provide the required temperature gradient, and at the top there is a material soaked in isopropyl alcohol. Fog streaks are created as a result of condensation of isopropyl alcohol vapor caused by interaction with ionized radiation passing through the device. The device does not need external sources, because the total flux of cosmic radiation falling on the Earth's atmosphere is of the order of 1000 particles/(m2s)!

PUT Rocketlab Scientific Club and their HEXA Student Probe Rocket. The HEXA series of rockets are structures created from scratch by students of the Poznan University of Technology, which take part and win in the world's largest competitions. This year, the HEXA 4 rocket won first place in its category at the Spaceport America Cup competition held in the United States. The latest designs can reach a ceiling of 9 km and a maximum speed of 1,700 km/h. The rocket is over 4 meters high and 160 mm in diameter.

Academic Aviation Club of the Poznan University of Technology - Aero Design section. Students design and build unmanned aerial vehicles. The group's activity profile is: design and construction of fixed-wing UAVs, emphasis on construction and technological issues (Regular class - SAE Aero Design USA / Brasil / Mexico competitions, Air Cargo Challenges), autonomous flight + photo (JMR grant), implementation of autonomous missions (AUVSI SUAS competition, Droniada competition, TeknoFest competition), use of multi-rotor UAV, design and construction of VTOL UAV.
Interfaculty Student Club PUT Motorsport and their yet another racing car. At the HOBBY Fair, the PUT Motorsport team presented its latest PM07 construction. This is the car which won a 2nd place in the electric car category in 2023 during the Formula Student Poland competition. The presented car is equipped with a full monocoque made of carbon, thanks to which the weight is only 180 kg and it accelerates to 100 km/h in about 3.1 seconds.

We would like to thank everyone involved in organizing the event.

Let the photos taken by the Students of the PROgressio PROmotio Student Organization tell the atmosphere during the fair.



Adam, Bartosz, Max, Nicol and Jakub – PROgressio PROmotio

Michał – Public Relations Office
