30 doctoral students and academics from universities in Sydney (Australia), Berlin (Germany), Turku (Finland) and Alcala (Spain) participated in the second edition of the NAWA-PROM project "PUT - UTS cooperation and accelerating the publication capacity of doctoral students". The workshops at the Poznan University of Technology will last until the 16th of September 2022.

The aim of the project is the preparation of scientific articles by Polish doctoral students in cooperation with their colleagues from UTS. The articles are to be published in highly rated journals. This goal was achieved by most of the teams to a greater extent than intended. Particular teams have prepared and published more than one article. The currently conducted workshops not only intensified the knowledge of PhD students about technologies directly related to their scientific interests but also extend it to technologies outside their field.

Workshops are held at seven faculties: Mechanical Engineering, Automatic Control, Robotics and Electrical Engineering, Engineering Management, Computing and Telecommunications, Chemical Technology, Materials Engineering and Technical Physics, Environmental Engineering and Energy.

The topics of the workshops include:

  • 3D Printing in Medicine
  • Tribology Workshop
  • Metal Casting Workshop
  • Mobile-manipulating robots, Autonomous systems
  • Machine learning for computer vision crash course
  • Service robotics and autonomous vehicles.
  • Biofeedback workshop
  • What the Internet is made of - an inside point of view
  • Functional materials
  • Bioorganics in environmental aspects
  • SEM Workshop
  • Nanoindentation Workshop
  • Tribology Workshop
  • Corrosion resistance Workshop
  • Functional nanomaterials fabrication methods and their properties assessment
  • Introduction to quantum engineering in photonic implementation
  • Raman spectroscopy application in materials science
  • Nanoscale Imaging Workshop
  • Wokshop on monomolecular layers and their characterization
  • Power Engineering Workshop
  • Research matching: UTS – PUT PhD students. Presentations by UTS students
  • Interrelation between Business and Science - panel with practitioners co-organized by Commission of Organization & Management Sciences of Polish Academy of Science, Poznan Division.

Universities participants: Poznan University of Technology, University of Technology in Sydney (Australia), Technische Universität Berlin (Germany), University of Turku (Finland), University of Alcala (Spain).

The project manager is prof. Stefan Trzcieliński. The program is implemented under the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development co-financed by the European Social Fund.






