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EUNICE European University offers industrial Ph.D. workshops for companies, universities and research
Rectors of technical universities from Europe met in Vienna to discuss matters connected with sustainable development.
The grand opening of Kakolewo Campus was accompanied by a presentation of research works that will be carried out there soon. “This is the campus of…
"This world-renowned scientist, a specialist in the field of cybernetics, including systems analysis and decision theory (...) belongs to the group…
The Department of Accounting and Finance of the School of Management and Economics of the Hellenic Mediterranean University awarded the title of…
The Poznan University of Technology will establish the Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity Centre
Consortia with members from at least three Eunice universities may obtain specific support for drafting the proposal
30 doctoral students and academics from universities in Sydney (Australia), Berlin (Germany), Turku (Finland) and Alcala (Spain) participated in the…
Children from Ukraine participating in the day camps took part in a physics show.
Prof Teofil Jesionowski congratulated Mateusz Siuda, a Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering student, on his bronze medal in the European Championships in…
The team of Amadeusz Szymko, Mikołaj Nowak, Grzegorz Czechmanowski and Krzysztof Walas took 3rd place in the Formula 1/10 Autonomous Grand Prix…
On August 23 - 28, 2022, at the Sports Center of the Poznan University of Technology Poznan 2022 World Boccia Intercontinental Challenger competition…