3rd place in the general classification of the European Robotics League for the team from the Poznan University of Technology. Honorable Mention in…

Rejestracja kandydatów do Szkoły Doktorskiej na rok akademicki 2022/2023 trwa do 31 lipca 2022 r.

W dniach 6-7 czerwca odbyło się spotkanie międzynarodowego spotkania zespołu projektowego REUNICE.

Piotr Kuwałek, PhD from the Faculty of Automatic Control, Robotics and Electrical Engineering and Przemysław Galek, MSc. from the Faculty of Chemical…

The tests of innovative rescue missions will take place at the Kąkolewo Campus on June 20 - 24, 2022. Young engineers will conduct simulations of…

PUT among the signatories of the agreement for construction and development of the network of autonomous polygons. The agreement signed by the prof.…