College of Vice-Rectors for Science and Development and Technical Universities Project Management Offices Forum

Meeting of the EUNICE AISBL Board, EUNICE Vice-Rectors for Research and the EUNICE IT team at the Poznan University of Technology

The first edition of the EUNICE Start Cup competition, initiated at the Poznan University of Technology on January 18, 2023 during Start Cup Day, has come to…

Joint research, projects, and production work – the Poznan University of Technology signed a cooperation agreement with PozLab.

The project's partner is the Polish Promotional Emblem Foundation.

The scientific clubs of the Poznan University of Technology presented their achievements during the Engineering Forum.

Crowds gathered at the Zamek Culture Centre for the POLItechnical aspects of our space expedition.

Rector of the Poznan University of Technology, prof. Teofil Jesionowski, appointed prof. Łukasz Klapiszewski for the Leader of the Innovative 3W Center.

At noon on May 18. Students from the PUT Rocketlab science club presented their latest achievement - the HEXA 4 rocket.