From the first semester of the next academic year 2022-2023, a virtual language course offer will be made available to you in the framework of the…

As part of the cooperation between the Eunice University and the Institute of Applied Mechanics of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the…

The exhibition of photos from Chernihiv, destroyed by the Russians, entitled "Ukraine Chernihiv - 40 days of blockade and bombing" was opened in the…

Grant NAWA przyznany uczelniom zrzeszonym w EUNICE w ramach Partnerstw Strategicznych

 3rd place in the general classification of the European Robotics League for the team from the Poznan University of Technology.  Honorable…

Rejestracja kandydatów do Szkoły Doktorskiej na rok akademicki 2022/2023 trwa do 31 lipca 2022 r.