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3rd place for the Faculty of Architecture and distinction for the Faculty of Transport and Civil Engineering in Builder Ranking Education for the Future Top…

The winner of the competition was Katarzyna Peta, PhD from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

On the 12th of November, during the Polish Senior Karate Championships, organized in Karpacz, Wojciech Niedziela became the Polish Champion in the individual…

The Day of Languages and Communication will be held on November 22 at the Lecture Center of the Poznan University of Technology!

Marlena KUCZ, PhD awarded the Badge "For Merits to the Wielkopolska Region"

The latest results of the international THE World University Rankings 2024 by Subject ranking have been published

On October 21, the AKAI Camp 2023 scientific conference was held at the Poznan University of Technology, which focused on career development in IT.

Magna Charta Universitatum - the basis of the mission and activities of universities worldwide.

The pilot project of the European Student Card (ESC) at the Poznan University of Technology has begun!

On 4th November on the campus of Poznan University of Technology has taken place event- PUT Campus Game organized by International Relations Office.

EUNICE Weeks are cultural and sporting events promoting European culture within the EUNICE European University.