Admission for the Doctoral School at Poznan University of Technology for the academic year 2024/2025 is currently ongoing. Registration in the…

The European Commission today announced the results of a call for the creation of new European University Alliances

University of Catania, uczelnia partnerska EUNICE otwarła nabór na stypendium post-doc.

EUNICE is launching a new multidisciplinary course offering for the 2024/2025 academic year aimed at students from all alliance universities.

If you want to study or work abroad, take IELTS tests now!

On Thursday, May 23, 2024, a promotional ceremony was held in the Magna Auditorium of the Poznan University of Technology Lecture Centre.

Research and Development Report 2023 - key scientific and development achievements of our researchers in 2023.

The 8th edition of the international MANUFACTURING 2024 conference was a success!


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