Academic Senate

Academic Senate is a collegial body of the University, which consists of 50 members. Its members are: the Rector as the Chairman, Vice-Rectors, Deans of Faculties, elected representatives of academic and non-academic staff, students and PhD students. The Chancellor, the Bursar, the Director of Library and representatives of unions also take part in the Senate's sessions.

The Senate of the PUT is responsible for inter alia: approval of the Statute, Rules and Regulations for students of all cycles of study and post-graduate programmes, admission requirements, adoption of the PUT development strategy and determining main lines of activity, setting rules and principles of PUT's operation and issuing instructions for Faculties' Councils regarding exercising the University's statutory duties, establishing framework principles of educational programmes, assessment of the PUT performance, periodic evaluation of the Faculties' operation, passing resolutions on conferring doctor honoris causa title, approval of assets and financial plan of the University, acceptance of its financial statement.

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