International Football Tournament/Międzynarodowy Turniej Piłki Nożnej

International Football Tournament 2019 at Poznan University of Technology ⚽ The tournament took place on the 6th of June 2019 in Sports Centre of Poznan University of Technology. 6 teams took part in the tournament composed of polish and international students of PUT and universities of Poznan as well as professors. The game won the team: "Bojowe Lemury" The second place: "Dream Team" The third: "Wiara Lecha" The fourth: Till the last breath The fifth: Chemical Brothers FC The sixth: Real Poznan There were interesting games with lots of goals :) in a great atmosphere. Special awards have been granted for the first three places. All players received medals and gifts. There was also a special award for Jesse from Rwanda - the best fan and the award for the only girl in the tournament - Vaness from Nigeria:) The International Football Tournament was a part of Intercultural Week 2019 and also initiative within the NAWA project, Welcome to Poland: PP around the world - intercultural year - The programme is co-financed from the European Social Fund under the Operational Programme Knowledge, Education, Development, a non-competitive project entitled Increasing competencies of the academic staff and the institutions’ potential to receive people from abroad – Welcome to Poland implemented under the Measure defined in application for co-financing of the project No POWR.03.03.00-00-PN14/18.

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