Refund policy

In accordance with applicable Ordinance 11 of the Rector of Poznan University of Technology on taking up and pursuing studies at Poznan University of Technology by individuals who are not Polish nationals in the academic year of 2024/2025 tuition fees may be refunded for periods when tuition was not given in one of the circumstances below:

  • receiving a leave from classes or granting another break in studying on the terms and in the manner specified in the study rules and regulations;
  • resignation from studying. In the event of removal from the list of students due to resignation from studies, the tuition fee is calculated until the date of resignation;
  • receipt of a decision refusing to issue a visa according to the provisions of the Act on Foreigners;
  • expiration of the date of commencement of participation in the classes.

In the event of removal from the list of students after the beginning of the semester, a student is entitled to receive the reimbursement of the tuition fee paid for the entire semester, after deducting a part of the fee calculated in proportion to the number of classes attended in the semester resulting from the schedule.

The costs of the reimbursement of the study fee are covered by a candidate.

If the transaction of reimbursing the tuition fee to a candidate's account is rejected as a result of providing incorrect bank details, the next transaction, reduced by the costs of the next money transfer, will be made for the amount calculated on the basis of the average exchange rate of the National Bank of Poland on the day on which the transfer was rejected.

The refund is made within 4 weeks from the date of receipt of the candidate's request

Below, please find the list of necessary documents which have to be submitted to start tuition fee refund process:

  1. appropriate document with justification (e.g. visa refusal letter from Embassy, etc.);
  2. the candidate’s official request of refunding the tuition fee;
  3. the following bank account details:
  • bank's name:
  • bank's address:
  • country of the bank:
  • SWIFT code:
  • account number (in the correct IBAN format if required in the beneficiary's country):
  • name and surname of the beneficiary (owner of the account):
  • beneficiary's address:
  • beneficiary's country:
  • the currency of the account:


  • Application fee is non-refundable.
  • Each refund has to be justified. In case of no special circumstances exist, University has right to reject to refund the tuition fee.
  • In the case of incorrect data/rejection by the bank transaction costs resulting from subsequent transactions, losses due to exchange rate differences, fees charged by a foreign bank bears the beneficiary.
  • If the transaction of reimbursement for education on the beneficiary's account is rejected, then the next transaction will be made for the amount calculated on the basis of the average NBP exchange rate from the day on which the transfer was rejected.