

Recruitment schedule for the 2024/2025 academic year:

Enrollment schedule for foreign candidates applying for full-time studies beginning from winter semester 2024/2025



07.05.2024beginning of the electronic registration of candidates
10.07.2024 interview at the Faculty of Architecture for second-cycle studies
12.07.2024 end of the electronic registration of the candidates (deadline)
25.07.2024 informing the candidates about the results


Enrollment schedule for foreign candidates applying for full -time studies beginning from summer semester 2024/2025



16.10.2024 beginning of the electronic registration of candidates
06.01.2025 end of the electronic registration of the candidates (deadline)
until 31.01.2025 informing candidates about the qualification results, excluding the following fields: Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science and Computer Science/Computing
13.02.2025 entrance exam only for the field of computer science and computer science/Computing (qualification test) and an interview for Artificial Intelligence (the candidate will be informed about the time and place of the exam)

Other important dates:



Winter semester

Summer semester

starting to accept the original documents*30.07.202408.01.2025
starting to accept applications for places in student dormitories via eAkademik system03.09.202404.02.2025
beginning of the academic year01.10.202401.03.2025
starting to accept applications (via e-mail) for tuition reimbursement for candidates who have not received a visa15.10.202411.03.2025

*original documents should be submitted to the office of the International Relations Office (ul. Piotrowo 5, room 101). 
Book an appointment: