Frequently asked questions
  • When is the deadline for sending internship documents?

A: There is no deadline for applying for internships at PUT, recruitment is continuous, therefore documents are accepted and considered on an ongoing basis at every moment of the academic year.

  • How long after sending the documents does it take to be informed about the qualification for the E+ Program?

A: Responses are usually given within one week, depending on the current situation in IRO (contracting period / holidays / business trips, sometimes extending the response time).

  • Do I have to apply for internships only in places on the PUT website, can I find another company?

A: Yes. The places listed on the website are only a suggestion where you can start your search, but the place of internships can be any place that meets the main criteria: compliance with the field of study, it is not a Polish diplomatic mission abroad or an EU institution, it is located in a country participating in the Erasmus + program (Program Countries).

  • Can I take a dean's leave instead of the Dean's consent to travel during the semester?

A: No. The student cannot be on dean's leave during the exchange.

  • The company offers internships for min. 6 months, PUT guarantees funding for 3 months, can I get more funding?

A: PUT guarantees only 3 months of funding, although internships under the contract may take longer. The financial agreement then states that they are financed 90 days, and the remaining days are financed with zero (they are included in the mobility and indicated in all documents, but you will not receive a scholarship for them). In the case of obtaining additional funds, all students / graduates currently participating in the internships are informed about it and will sign the annex.

  • I finished a traineeship during which part of the period was not financed, and it turned out that PUT is paying the trainees additional funds, can I get compensation for the unfinished period?

A: No. Any annexes to the financing agreements must be signed during the term of the contract, so no changes can be made after the mobility has ended.

  • I do not have a foreign language proficiency certificate, can I present a grade for the language course?

A: Yes, as long as it is an exam grade. In such a case, one should ask the dean's office for a statement on obtaining such a grade. Please do not submit complete diploma supplements.

  • My internships will be in a language that I know but for which I am not certified. I have an English proficiency certificate, is it enough?

A: No. If a language other than English is indicated in the Letter of Intent, the knowledge of this language should be confirmed by a certificate / assessment.

  • I have a foreign language proficiency certificate at B2 level, am I exempt from taking the OLS test?

A: No. The test is not only compulsory for native speakers.

  • If I fail the OLS language test poorly, can I not receive the scholarship, even though it has already been awarded?

A: No. The result of the language test does not affect the payment of the scholarship or its amount, it is only a check for the purpose of keeping statistics and a chance for possible language support for the participant (additional e-courses).

  • I need money for tickets / accommodation before departure, can I get it earlier?

A: The Erasmus scholarship can be paid only after signing the financial agreement and providing all the required documents, but we do not sign the contract earlier than 2 weeks before departure. In addition, the deadlines for the payment of the scholarship apply - twice a month, the lists of scholarships are closed 5 days before the payments.

  • Will PUT transfer 90% of the scholarship to my account every month?

A: No. PUT makes two transfers, one in the amount of 90% of the entire scholarship (for all months) and the other in the amount of 10% (or less), after the trip is fully settled.

In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact International Relations Office of PUT:

te. 61 665 35 44