Poznan University of Technology one of the signatories to the Declaration on the establishment of the Wielkopolska Hydrogen Valley

Wielkopolska institutions representing science, local government, and business have declared their will to cooperate for the development of the hydrogen economy. The signed declaration is to be a key factor in maintaining the competitiveness of the economy and contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of Wielkopolska inhabitants.

  • On behalf of Poznan University of Technology, the declaration was signed by the rector, Prof. Teofil Jesionowski.
  • The other signatories are:
  • Adam Mickiewicz University
  • University of Life Sciences,
  • cities: Kalisz, Konin, Leszno, Ostrów Wielkopolski, Poznań, Piła,
  • Solaris Bus & Coach Ltd.
  • the Pątnów-Adamów-Konin Complex Power Plant S.A.
  • Plenipotentiary of the Management Board of the Wielkopolska Region for the restructuring of Eastern Wielkopolska, Chairman of the Greater Poland Council of Thirty,
  • Chairman of the Wielkopolska Hydrogen Platform
  • Marshal of the Wielkopolska Voivodship.