Lipcowe spotkanie z cyklu PP dookoła świata - kawiarenka międzykulturowa
On the 18.07.2019 took part next meeting of "PUT around the world - Intercultural Café":
We listened to the presenters from Poland, Kenia, Peru and Ecuador and talked about popular national games, sports, hobbies, traditional children's games from all around the world.
After the meeting, the PUT employee took participants to the Sports Center for a bowling game.
PP dookoła świata - Kawiarenka Międzykulturowa/ PUT around the world - Intercultural Café - Sierpień
When?: 29.08.2019 (Thursday) at 6:30 p.m.
Where?: room no 053, PUT Lecture Center, Piotrowo 2 street
Topic: Unusual/funny events/competitions in my country :)
Have you ever heard about :
Mobile Phone Throwing Championships or
World Beard and Moustache Championships or maybe
Bed Racing?
The next meeting of PUT Intercultural Cafe will be dedicated to such funny competitions around the world.
The language of the meeting: ENGLISH
Sierpniowe spotkanie z kawiarenki międzykulturowej
W trakcie wakacji Politechnika Poznańska kontynuje spotkania z cyklu "PP dookoła świata - kawiarenka miedzykulturowa" .
Z uwagi na wakacyjny klimat tematem spotkania były niezwykłe / zabawne wydarzenia / konkursy w różnych krajach.
Wrzesień w "kawiarence"/September in "the CAFE"
The meeting took place on 25/09/2019. The topic was: Postcard from my hometown.
During the meeting, students presented their hometowns. They showed their beauty and the issues which are still to improve,
things which we are proud of and others which we would prefer to hide from visitors.
Intercultural Concert and Exhibition PUT Dream Team
On the 17th of October in the Aula Magna of the Poznan University of Technology took place an intercultural concert organized by the LLL&International Education Office in cooperation with the University Culture Center (UCK).
The concert was organized within regular meetings of the Cultural Lounge. The event accompanied the opening of the exhibition "PUT Dream Team". Both the concert and the exhibition were implemented as a part of the project "PUT around the world - intercultural year" financed by the NAWA program: Welcome to Poland.
PUT around the world - intercultural cafe - October 2019
W dniu 24.10.2019 odbyło się pierwsze w nowym roku akademickim spotkanie z cyklu "PP dookoła świata - kawiarenka międzykulturowa".
Tematem spotkania była muzyka dookoła świata czyli międzynarodowe karaoke.
Spotkanie dotyczyło popularnej muzyki i wykonawców z prezentowanych krajów. Prezentujący wykonywali piosenki a następnie zapoznawali uczestników spotkania z ich tłumaczeniem
i uczyli tekstu aby następnie wykonać utwory wspólnie.
Poznań City Tour
26 października 2019 r. odbyła się trzecia z czterech zaplanowanych wycieczek dla studentów zagranicznych i pracowników PP w ramach projektu „„PP dookoła świata - rok międzykulturowy”.
Kawiarenka Międzykulturowa w Listopadzie/Intercultural Cafe in November
Lifelong Learning and International Education Office invites to "PUT around the world - Intercultural Café":
When?: 21.11.2019 (Thursday) at 6:30 p.m.
Where?: room no 053, PUT Lecture Center, Piotrowo 2 street
Topic: Poetry evening
Poetry evening /Wieczór poetycki
On November 21, took place another meeting within the "PUT around the world - intercultural cafe".
This time the topic of the meeting was poetry.
In a pleasant atmosphere, with a warm cup of tea, we heard poems from around the world about life, passing, loneliness, friendship, and love, that is, what is close to our hearts.