Poznan University of Technology Development Strategy

"Poznan University of Technology Development Strategy 2021–2030" is, next to our Statute, the most important internal act passed by the University's Academic Senate. It indicates the most important strategic goals, whose achievement is necessary for the sustainable development of our university at the beginning of the second century of its existence. It also contains the mission and vision of Poznan University of Technology as a leading academic university.

In all our activities, we strive for scientific excellence and education of the highest level, based on the knowledge of, and cooperation with the socio-economic environment. The implementation of our design, construction and development achievements within the economy is not without significance. Another priority is to provide employees, doctoral students and students with the best possible working conditions and professional development, as well as broadening their knowledge and acquiring their chosen competences.

Achieving our many important and ambitious strategic goals and objectives will require the effort and active participation of our entire academic community. I am convinced that only together can we build a stronger Poznan University of Technology – the university of the future.

Rector of Poznan University of Technology,

Prof. Teofil Jesionowski PhD. Eng.

The world of science and business entered the third decade of the twenty-first century deprived of the luxury of stability. In such conditions, a well-thought-out development strategy is necessary for facing the challenges that lie ahead. These challenges are related not only to the pandemic, but also to the fourth industrial revolution, digital and digitisation transformation, the era of artificial intelligence, automation and the issue of progressive climate change. “Poznan University of Technology Development Strategy 2021–2030” is a response to the needs of the environment and illustrates the University's ambitions for the continuous development of innovation, technology and the highest quality of education. Science and innovation going hand in hand present a great opportunity to achieve a leading position among technical universities both in Poland and Europe.

An extremely important aspect of the developed strategy is cooperation with the external environment. The socio-economic environment defines the most current needs and looks for strong partners. The essence of innovation and progress lies in the synergy between the world of science and business. A strong technical university that follows the latest trends and is a catalyst for change is the key to effective cooperation that guarantees success. The strategy of Poznan University of Technology is not only the sum of measurable goals, but it also contains an attractive development direction for the academic community with a coherent vision and values inscribed in the everyday culture of the university community.

The entire community of the university is involved in the implementation of the "Poznan University of Technology Development Strategy 2021–2030". It is up to us to continue building our brand – a strong university ready to meet the unexpected. Let us do this in order to shape a common, sustainable future.

Chairperson of the University Council,

Jolanta Musielak, MA. MBA.


Education, research and development in the service of society, science and the world


Poznan University of Technology is a technical university with a leading international position, creating significant solutions to key problems of the modern world through high-quality education and the highest level of science, research and development


Unity of goals – variety of possibilities

High-quality education preparing students for work and functioning in a knowledge-based society

Education is the priority of the our activity. In this context, the educational mission of Poznan University of Technology cannot be limited just to education. Education should also focus on building mutual student-mentor relations. The onus is on us to determine the quality of future elites – understood in particular as creatives, capable of crossing all barriers in the name of the common good and simultaneously with unwavering ethics.

Creating new, attractive teaching programs, building interdisciplinary (also international) teams, making the selection of individual subjects more flexible or creating platforms for real cooperation (research clubs, start-ups, scientific and technical projects, inter-departmental integration); these are not only important, but also necessary. Our contemporary model of education is aimed at close relations with the socio-economic environment. It is the market that creates new trends, such as conducting practical and dual studies, teaching focused on solving problems (Project Based Learning) and implementation doctorates. Additionally, an important element which has been a little underrated so far, will be remote learning (e-learning, hybrid model) which results mainly from technological progress and also from the experiences of the pandemic period.

The personal development of students and doctoral students should be cultivated, while supporting all initiatives that give the possibility of unfettered broadening of intellectual horizons. Continuing education and lifelong learning are also crucial as they build extremely important relationships with the graduates of our university and other institutions. The alumni are the best ambassadors of our Alma Mater. Furthermore, education also includes all activities in the field of sports, culture and society.

Scientific excellence – discovering the truth and conducting scientific research at the highest world level

For a technical university with high potential, such as Poznan University of Technology, the level of scientific research with global impact and close cooperation with the socio-economic environment are extremely important. Scientific discoveries, catalysts of technological and civilisational progress are all examples of the uncompromising discovery of the truth about nature, phenomena and processes. The responsibility for this important area rests with all of us and it is crucial to initiate and stimulate the directions of strategic development.

It is important to work to strengthen the scientific image of our Alma Mater as expressed by the reputation of scientists and scientific excellence. The mechanisms for the development of future generations of scientists are a priority. The key to success is looking for people with passion and the will to constantly develop. In order to create the science of the future, it is also necessary to design appropriate infrastructure facilities.

Equally important will be the strengthening of efforts to obtain research, development and infrastructure grants (financed by domestic and foreign institutions, agencies and foundations).

Strategic goals in this respect include the creation of centres of excellence, including the Centre for New Technologies and Innovation at PUT. It is necessary to invest in new areas closely related to the long-term strategic vision of the development of the European Union in terms of a thriving, modern, competitive and climate neutral economy by 2050.

In line with the European Green Deal, the most important priorities relate to the climate as well as economic, industrial and social transformation. Poznan University of Technology, as a university centre of sustainable development, should play a key expert and executive role in the above-mentioned areas, and also in all related areas. In this context, the synergy of competences between professional staff, new talents obtained from students and doctoral students, as well as modern infrastructure is necessary.

Poznan University of Technology will become a university open to the needs of the environment and the requirements of the domestic market, but also, as a leader of the European University EUNICE, will become part of the aforementioned vision of the development of the European Union.

Internationalisation – a platform for the development of education and research with a global impact

Internationalisation is a significant challenge for Poznan University of Technology as it is a necessary element of shaping a new quality, providing an opportunity for the acquisition of unique competences, a chance to increase the effectiveness of research and the recognition of Polish scientific achievements in the world.

The supreme goal of the internationalisation process is to increase the competitiveness of the Poznan University of Technology on the European and global market by improving the quality of education and research. It is the high quality of the educational offer, the ability to attract foreign students and highly qualified academic staff, the internationalisation of research results and involvement in the teaching process at foreign universities that become symbols of attractiveness and modernity, and determine the value of universities on a global scale.

Poznan University of Technology, being associated in numerous international organisations, incl. CESAER (Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research) – a European organisation associating the best technical universities, SEFI (European Society for Engineering Education), EUA (European University Association), IAU (International Association of Universities), ADUEM (Alliance of Universities for Democracy) and the Baltic University Program (BUP) and the Sino-Polish University Consortium, has the ability to significantly create strategic areas and directions of broadly understood internationalisation.

To achieve the measurable strategic goals of internationalisation, it is necessary to use European agendas, in particular ERASMUS + or national (NAWA – National Agency for Academic Exchange), as well as numerous foundations (e.g., FNP, Fulbright Program, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation). Moreover, it is important to build relations with other universities in Poznan, local self-government and non-government organisations to increase the recognition of academic Poznan.

Internationalisation should be based on the exchange of students, doctoral students and staff, close cooperation with partners from the European Union and beyond, as well as participation in European and international cooperation projects. These activities will be complemented by an innovative vision of the European University with the mission of dedicated education (EUNICE) and an interdisciplinary international research project (REUNICE – Horizon 2020), constituting an alliance of seven universities from seven EU Member States, with Poznan University of Technology as a leader.

Great technical and implementation potential of science, research and development work of particular importance to society

Poznan University of Technology is an institution strongly linked with the economic, social and administrative environment. The advanced economic development of Wielkopolska (but not only), strong links with numerous enterprises and national institutions, as well as global concerns, create great opportunities for effective cooperation.

It is of key importance to intensify science-industry cooperation by creating, among others platforms for the exchange of new technologies and innovations, and creating a real offer for external partners. This area also includes educating doctoral studentspart-time, or alternatively using the implementation doctorate program. This cooperation will be the basis for building real bridges between the University and entities of economic and social activity.

Particular attention will be paid to conducting development work and implementing the results in the economy. Additionally, an important goal is to use patent, design and construction achievements for their effective commercialisation and implementation in the economy.

Collaboration with local government, national agencies and business units is of the utmost importance; joint participation in designing a pro-development offer in the field of the broadly understood knowledge-based economy ("Industry of the Future"). Moreover, it is important to develop units and activities supporting the commercialisation and transfer of achievements to real applications and implementations.

It is necessary to intensify the application for research projects strictly focused on the growth of competitiveness and innovation of enterprises. In the process of effective implementation of innovative scientific and research and development solutions of the university, an important role will be played by the Centre for New Technologies and Innovation, the Technology Transfer Centre, the Academic Incubator of Entrepreneurship and the Innovation Company, all of them within Poznan University of Technology.

The European Union development strategy for the coming years is strongly focused on issues related to energy. An important point here are issues concerning the possibilities of using hydrogen in the chain of obtaining and storing energy. Using its potential, Poznan University of Technology aspires to become a leading Polish and European university in this field.

In terms of contacts with the external environment, it is also necessary to prepare our students and employees for business activities. Incubation of new business entities gives the green light for members of our community to develop also in this area. These activities will be supported by the Academic Entrepreneurship Incubator.

A friendly university, open to the needs of the environment

Poznan University of Technology is an important link in the ecosystem of the academic city of Poznan, as well as of our region and country. It plays an important role in educating future generations of engineers. The reputation and prestige of our University of Technology are priority issues.

Poznan University of Technology wants to be a friendly university not only to its academic community, but also to its surroundings. It may be seen in supporting various forms of activity leading to the development of talents and predispositions of students, doctoral students and employees, as well as in proposals resulting from the expectations of the economic and social environment.

The foundation of a durable and strong institution is its integrated environment. It is therefore necessary to initiate and create well-balanced solutions in the interpenetration of the interests of the community: students, doctoral students, teaching staff, research and teaching staff, research staff, administration and technical service.

There are some other important factors integrating the university with its surroundings, namely sports, culture and pro-social activities. Poznan University of Technology will therefore intensify its sports and cultural activities, as well as expand various types of support and assistance addressed both to the University's students and to society.

The reality that surrounds us also means new forms of promotion and information. Poznan University of Technology must become more active in terms of image and media. It is extremely important for each unit making up a modern university to cooperate in these areas. Our Alma Mater is a well-recognised brand, but it must be made even better. The most important thing is for everyone to identify with the Poznan University of Technology as a friendly place to study, work and develop any passion. The best ambassadors of the university are its graduates, especially those who are successful in research, business, local and state administration, sports, politics and other areas. Therefore, the university will conduct activities aimed at strengthening ties with alumni, e.g., through the Association of Alumni of Poznan University of Technology or the PUT Ambassadors Club (Alumni Association).

The “Green Technical University” is an important element in creating the image of an environmentally friendly University, and at the same time an environmentally sustainable, environmentally friendly place of work and study. An important aspect will also include initiatives to eliminate all barriers, particularly in the context of people with special needs.

The modern Alumni Association bringing together university graduates, in addition to the integration of the community, will also be another place for creating initiatives for the development of not only Poznan University of Technology, but also its social and economic environment.

Modern University – "Green Technical University"

A university is a very complex organism in which many processes intertwine – mainly education, research and research and development, internationalisation as well as administrative and organisational activities. Such a complex organism requires the employment of competent, committed academic teachers and research workers as well as professional administration and technical staff.

The level of studies, as well as research and development work carried out at Poznan University of Technology depend on the research and teaching staff. The method of recruiting academic teachers and research workers, then their periodic evaluation, promotions and motivation are key factors determining the university's development opportunities and building its prestige in the community.

A high level of research and education can only be ensured through efficient and effective administration, organisation and support of IT tools and systems. Therefore, measures will be taken to ensure continuous improvement and expansion of individual competences of employees, taking into account the university's development program. Poznan University of Technology will be further equipped with effective IT systems to improve management and facilitate the operation of all types of its activities. Along with the ongoing process of digital transformation, there will be further changes in the way the infrastructure functions and is effectively managed.

The university will also try to obtain financial support under the National Reconstruction Plan, which would additionally increase our chances of receiving the rank of the University of the Future.

The sense of community is another significant value of the university. It is facilitated by students, doctoral students and staff all staying one centralised location, i.e., on campus.. This goal can be achieved owing to the long-term infrastructure development program at Poznan University of Technology. Its most important elements are modernisation and investments.

The premises infrastructure and equipment facilities at Poznan University of Technology determine its potential. The university will guarantee even better conditions for effective studying, carrying out scientific work at the highest level, creating knowledge-based technologies, managing with the use of modern administrative systems or organising sports and cultural events.

Numerous challenges, especially economic ones, are forcing us to take actions ensuring the effective use of available resources. It is necessary to conduct efforts to integrate the university administration on Campus Wilda with Campus Warta, as well as to create places for educational and other activities for students (e.g., rest and relaxation zones).

In the future, Campus Warta will perform the main functions of the university, i.e., teaching, research, technology transfer, academic entrepreneurship, social, sports and cultural activities.

Undoubtedly, Campus Kąkolewo with its airport will be a new place for the development of education, research and development. It is an important element of the professional training of a selected group of engineers, as well as cooperation with external institutions (e.g., PANSA, PSNC and the Marshal Office). The airport infrastructure serves not only to educate pilots and aviation engineers, but was designed as a testing ground for interdisciplinary projects (e.g., robots, unmanned aerial vehicles and astronomical observatory). The priorities also include further modernisation and expansion of Poznan University centre on the Warta River, in the heart of Poznan.

Poznan University of Technology, as the "Green Technical University", will promote ecological attitudes, renewable energy sources, sustainable development, efficient use of resources and a closed-loop economy – both in the area of education, research and in the daily practice of a modern university.